Farmers are hunger quenchers. They toil day and night under the rain and sun so as to supply us with the food that we consume. Nonetheless, we never think of the hands that feed us while we gorge on the delicacies. However, the term farmer brings to mind vegetable farmers. But there is another sector of men and women who toil to feed us remain forgotten. The commercial poultry farmers, who provide us chicken and egg.
Commercial poultry farmers – The hunger quenchers
Commercial poultry farmers are an educated stream with practical knowledge of Genetics, nutrition, and management related to the bird they rear. Over a period of time, they know in and out of poultry farming which is natural but in this sector, the uniqueness is that practical knowledge is backed by research, the newest trend and continuously evolving nutritional and management practices. It becomes a necessity as in total broiler life of 32 days waste of a single day production results in loss of 7% life if a broiler chicken. With table egg, the total cost and earning difference is hardly a few pennies. It goes negative in an adverse season like summer when consumption is less.
In total broiler life of 32 days waste of a single day production results in loss of 7% life if a broiler chicken
So In our foray, we met a promoter of Unique feed agency, having its Head Office at Kanpur, Mr. Mohd Israil, who is an MSc, and MBA graduate. He has been running farm operations of 1 lac broiler bird. What started with 200 birds is now running successfully and enhanced operations for 25 years. He merged himself with the fragrance of the soil and the goodness of nature.
Mr. Israil has been farming since the nineties. He has lived the life of a farmer, observed the changing scenario, and tackled the day-to-day issues. Today he is sharing some practical experiences and scientific facts which prove that chicken and egg are better choices of protein. Let’s hear it from him.

They give us more than we ask for…
Chicken and egg are the purest sources of protein. The former is pure white meat with all the benefits of protein when compared to red meat. On the other hand, the latter is a blend of vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients, and an ultimate source of protein. The bird with its tender nature demands proper care at every step. Hence the use of toxic chemicals, injury, mishandling, and any sort of discomfort can be fatal.
There is absolutely no possibility of adulteration.
Mohd Israil
Love them as much as you want

We need to take proper care to ensure the conditions that provide them ample airflow, sunlight, the essential facilities according to the change of weather. The water we provide to drink is appropriately sanitized to get rid of pathogens and other water-born diseases besides TDS (total dissolved solids) and pH value. The dose of sanitizer is also accurately calculated. Even the temperature of the water is monitored to keep the comfort of birds in mind
You feed them and they will quench your hunger
The feed should be balanced and the quality is to be calculated by scientifically approved methods. We ensure that they have the approved levels of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients. The main sources of food and energy for the birds are vegetables. Each farmer has a curated list of materials to be provided to the bird.

Grow, proper and reproduce – But hormones? A big NO!
This is probably the most common question that you might have heard and asked yourself. You can rest assured about the safety in that regard. Because we do not use artificial hormones at any stage of growth in chicken. The pace of growth depends on the breed and the feed including the protein content. In short, the diet is the key.
You can rest assured about the safety in that regard. Because we do not use artificial hormones at any stage of growth in chicken.
Md Israil
When they are sick…
We do not use any antibiotics during the period of rearing the bird. However, in case of an outbreak of bacterial diseases, the use of antibiotics is imperative to ensure their safety. Nonetheless, we assure that the birds are given proper resurrection time to wane the presence of the medicine in their body before slaughtering. This, in turn, ensures that the carcass is totally antibiotic-free and there are no traces left.
Afterwards, a series of sanitization, fumigation, and disinfection procedures are done to ensure that the farm is pathogen-free and ready for the next flock.Â
Being someone who has lived the major part of his life with these beautiful birds, I can guarantee that a regular intake of chicken and egg in your diet will give you the required dose of protein without any side effects.
It is high time farmers get their due