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Chola sandwich

Chola sandwich

Abha srivastava
Prep Time
15 Mins
Cook Time
20 Mins
Four People


  • INGREDIENT Kabuli Chana – 200 gms Ginger – One Small Piece Green Chillies – 4 nos. Garlic – 8 Cloves Mint Salt Lemon Juice Coriander Oil to Cook Eggs- 4 Bread Slices Oregano – 0.5 Teaspoon Blackpepper – 0.5 Teaspoon Cheese Clices Onion, Tomato or any other vegetables of your choice


This is a unique recipe filled with lots of Proteins and is very healthy for everyone. Children will love the delicious sandwich with Tomato ketchup.


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  1. Grind Kabuli Chana with ginger, Chillies,Garlic  Cloves and Mint.
  2. Add Salt as per taste, Lemon Juice, and Coriander.
  3. Make Patties and Fry.
  4. Beat 4 Eggs with salt, some milk, oregano and pepper.
  5. Dip the Breads in the Egg Mix and Fry.
  6. Spread Mayonese over the fried bread slices and cover with patties, vegetables and cheese clice.
  7. Grill the sandwich.

Tasty and Healthy Chola Sandwich is Ready !!!